SSL Certificates
Domain Validated SSL$45.95AUD One Time
1 Year Protection
$10,000 Warranty
Email Verification
No Documentation
Basic Protection
Ready in 1 Day
256 bit Encryption
SANs Not Supported
Premium SSL$132.00AUD One Time
1 Year Protection
$100,000 Warranty
Domain Verification
Organisation Verification
DUNS or Other Documentation
Ready in 1-3 Days
256 bit Encryption
SANs 5 Supported
EV SSL$330.00AUD One Time
1 Year Protection
$175,000 Warranty
Green Address Bar
Phone Verification
DUNS or Other Documents
Ready in 2-5 Days
256 bit Encryption
SANs Not Supported

SSL Certificate
SSL certificate is short for Secure Sockets Layer certificate. Protocol used to provide secure transmitting or communication of data between browsers and the server, server and server, on web servers for internet security and mail servers such as IMAP, POP3 and SMTP for mail collection / sending security. Calculation of transmission of data is based on 40bits, 128bits, and 256bits.
SSL encrypts communication between servers and the visitor/end user for maximum security. There are a range of SSL Certificates that are used based on price and ability.
Why Do I Need SSL?
There are many reasons why you like to handle data in a safe manner.
- Comply with some new used standards for search engines
- Boost Your SEO Rankings
- SSL Certificate can increase data transmission security from hackers and data snifflers.
- Letting users know the domain is certified and the domain used.
- Increasing confident for online buyer, therefore increase in sales.
- Help ecommerce websites to comply with increasing need or legal required legislations.
- Decreasing chances of hackers or data sniff softwares to collect data. And many more.
How To Choose SSL Certificate?
This depends on few facts which are explained in point form and can vary from supplier of SSL Certificate to another. Recommendation Only.
- Server type being used for your site.
- SSL level of strength and encryption method or type.
- SSL Certificate Supplier for their level of reputation.
- Customer level of security expectance

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